
McConkie Ranch North

There is an impressive of a number of rock art panels located on the McConkie Ranch near Vernal Utah. I have divided the panels into three groups and assigned a web page to each - McConkie Ranch North - McConkie Ranch South - and Three Kings Panel. The panels are located on a high cliff faces maybe 50 feet above the valley floor. The art in in the style of the fremot period And that period appears to have been from maybe 1200 up to around 700 years ago.

All the pictures presented here have been processed by Lightroom to increase contrast and sharpness. Color temperatures and exposures have been adjusted for maximum clarity of the rock art images. Many images are presented in both color and black and white. I find the black and white can reveal details that can be overlooked in color. The original pictures were taken using a polarized filter to minimize glare and maximize contrast and saturation. The first picture is presented unaltered. This is what one might expect to see when visiting the site.

Observations, comments and conclusions expressed in the various captions are mine alone.

So let's get started.